Frimley Babies and Toddlers
The group is run by volunteers from the church and runs from 10.00-11.30 am every Friday during term-time. The session costs £1 per family, per week.
From 10.00-11.15 am there is unstructured free play in the large hall. There is a sectioned-off activity area which alternates between 'sit and rides' one week and 'big toys' (e.g. cube slide, pop-up tunnels, stepping stones and see-saws) the other. The smaller toys in the hall include cars, trains, farmyard animals, a dolls house, a table bead puzzle and a home corner. There is a separate baby area in the main hall, which is also sectioned-off and has a selection of soft baby mats as well as a variety of baby toys.
Drinks and snacks are available from 10.00-10.45 am in the lounge. Each morning is finished with a song time. Special occasions like Christmas and Easter waer marked with some sort of special activity. Occasionally during the term, mornings may be extended so parents and guardians bring a packed lunch for their children and tea, coffee and cakes is provided for the adults. Details of these mornings and other special events are included in our newsletter produced every half-term.
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