Bring Your Own Baby Comedy Club
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Bring Your Own Baby Comedy is the UK’s premier baby-friendly comedy club! The show features the funniest comedy stars from the circuit and TV. The events are all about you, the parents! But don’t worry – we also take great care of our younger guests.
We provide soft flooring, buggy parking and baby changing, so that your baby is happy and you can relax, have a coffee and be entertained. If you need to whip out a bum (the babies please!) a boob or a bottle please feel free… and our comics won’t mind being heckled by our younger guests!*
The show features two acts, plus a compere, and the whole show will last approx. 75 minutes.
Grown up comedy... babies welcome!
Buy tickets here
Rich Wilson
Kate McGann
Esther Manito
Joseph Emslie
Esther Manito
Sarah Iles
*line-ups may be subject to change
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