Big Fish Little Fish Circus Family Rave
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Roll up, roll up for the greatest show on Earth (well, in Farnham anyway)!
They're back with another award-winning, internationally acclaimed family rave.Join the original family ravers Big Fish Little Fish for a circus-themed rave. DJs Baker & Beale bring the tunes once again to get all you ringmasters, lions and acrobats dancing to club classics from across the decades. Party together on a dance floor filled with bubbles, confetti, balloons and foam and topped off by the parachute dance. Enjoy the Nifty Natty craft tables and enjoy the baby chill space.Dress code: Ringmasters, clowns, acrobats, lions, elephants - anything you like!
"Reliably excellent" The Guardian
"Magical... expect some serious bangers" Time Out
What should i expect from the event?
Parents remain responsible for their children at all times.
A max of 3 children per adult in a family.
Each member of your group must have a ticket and pre-walking infants free (but ticketed).
The event will be busy with hundreds of people attending.
The dancefloor is for adults and children to dance together. If there are more than 4 adults per child in your group please email for pre-approval before buying tickets.
How loud will it be?
BFLF sets and monitors the volume using World Health Organisation guidelines - so that is it at a safe level for everyone, even the youngest babies, over the 2 and a half hour duration of the event. Though quieter than at adult events, it is still loud enough to feel like you are at a club. Most parents do not use ear defenders on their children but if yours are particularly sensitive to noise or if you want them to nap then you might want to consider it.
We're a group of adults who love to rave, can we come to bflf rave?
We're afraid adult only groups are not admitted.
How can i contact the organiser with any questions?
BFLF may photograph or film small parts of the event and by entering you are giving your permission for these to be used for BFLF or fabric promotion purposes.
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